Many will know that I am constantly striving to find the place.
A place that I feel some association to. A place where work, life, and culture
blend together seamlessly. A place that I may like to live one day, or if I am
wealthy enough buy second homes.
On arriving into Copenhagen, I had almost forgotten my
subconscious mission as I have been slightly absorbed in making a permanent
move to Manchester. A move that will likely see me in England until 2010, but
who knows in the 21st Century?
Yet stepping off the train, as I made a connection to the
City metro, my research was awakened. It did not take much, just two ladies
cleaning a lamp post on the platform. An innovation in the UK, especially as
both looked very happy in their work. They also looked like folk you could
happily have an interesting conversation with over coffee.
Walking around the city I was drawn to the history of
Copenhagen, classic European architecture and styling, but also the modernity
and quality of shopping outlets, mixed with social spaces and University styled
coffee houses, filled with students huddled around their computers and data devices.
I also learnt that the Danes are marked by modesty. They are
not comfortable with stating their life, aren't concerned about career advice or successes, size of house, price
of car, or next far flung holiday destination. This seems to diminish the sense
of capitalism, and perhaps leads to more interesting conversation about family,
people, and place. This culture, I would imagine, would fly against the threats
to happiness (TV and capitalism) as cited in the presentation by Alexander
Kjerulf at Reboot. I am not sure how seriously to take this, as capitalism
has afforded me the opportunity to write this blog, but the reference is there.
I could continue writing, but I don’t think I could capture
the one thing that attracted me to Copenhagen. I think the answer was in the
subtleties of people and place. The following pictures capture the subtly:
Notice how the coffee cup doesn't have a gap. I think the
barista is assuming that you will want to sit down and enjoy your drink, rather
than rushing to the next thing.
This picture was genuinely taking at 9am on a Thursday
morning. Traditionally a rush-hour time in most European cities. I felt more
relaxed leaving the metro than I did boarding. I guess the next picture tells
us why the metro is not perhaps as packed as it might be. Bicycle lanes line
all of Copenhagen roads, which again are notably light in traffic.
And aside from the subtleties, Copenhagen simply struck me
as an stunning place.
Given that European boundaries have now evaporated, we are
free to live and work in any European state, perhaps there is now the option to
move yourself to the place that you associate yourself with the most, and not
necessarily the place you were born? Perhaps I need to set a five-year plan and
move myself over there, although tax is high and cost of living is far from
Maybe, then, I look to date Helena Christensen who
associates herself with Monaco, Manhattan, and Copenhagen (houses in all), and
she even likes photography. Having said that, could I possibly take the chance
of being dumped? That would be a hard break-up to take. Having said that, the
pain could be eased by receiving the Copenhagen pad as a parting gift.